Love Phrases

So have you noticed that love is in the air and you are at a loss for words? Here are some love phrases in Russian which will be useful if you are in love, loved or just have a love affair with the Russian language. I love you: “Ya lyublyu tebya” - Я люблю тебя (ya lu-BLUE teeb-YA). Some more love phrases in Russian are: You are the love of my life: “Ty lyubov vsei moei zhizni” - Ты любовь всей моей жизни (tee lu-BOV vsay my-A zheez-knee). I can’t live without you: “Ne mogu zhit’ bez tebya” - Не могу жить без тебя (nay ma-goo zhit bez teeb-YA). Our love phrases in Russian continue with: My heart is full of love: “Moe serdtce polno lyubvi” - Моё сердце полно любви (my-yo serd-say pole-no lub-V). With love: “S lyubovyu” - С любовью (Slew-bow-view). Rounding up our love phrases in Russian we have: It’s love at first sight: “Eto lyubov’ s pervogo vzglyada” - Это любовь с первого взгляда (e-ta lew-bov spare-va-va vz-glad-a). We hope you have fun and success at love when using these love phrases.

Love Phrases

Love Phrases

Love Phrases
Love Phrases
Love Phrases
Love Phrases

Love Phrases

Love Phrases

Love Phrases
Love Phrases