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Self-employment is becoming quite popular these days. You want to be your own boss, make your own rules and get benefits the way you want. No one dictates anything to you. The perks of self-employment seem to be endless. But obviously, there are many disadvantages to it, the primary being the lack of health coverage. How can you provide health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family when self-employed health insurance is so expensive?

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Your employer usually offers your health coverage. But when you are the employer yourself, chances are your health insurance coverage rates can get pretty high. Even with the backing of a good credit report, chances are that the self-employed health insurance rates to insure you and your family will be much higher as compared to those through an employer. Being self-employed already has a toll on your financial standing, so you really don't want to spend too much on your insurance, do you? In such a situation, you and your family will suffer with no insurance, or you will have to compromise on the standard of care you can provide for your family.